11 Ekim 2011 Salı

“Qoşuqçu Fəranək Fərid (İpək) ilə Urmu Gölü“nə görə yazılan bitiyə İtalyan "Everyone" dərnək başqanı Roberto Malini yanıtını oxuculara sunuruq:

 Roberto Malini Yanıtı:
> Message du 10/10/11 19:48
> De : "Roberto Malini"
> A : "jeanne GAMONET"
> Copie à :
> Objet : Re: la catastrophe écologique continue, les arrestations aussi
> Chère Jeanne, nous allons essayer de solliciter l'attention du Haut Commissaire pour les Droits de l'Homme et le Commissaire européen aux Droits Humains sur le poète, tandis que nous allons alerter l'UNESCO et la société civile au sujet du lac de Urmu. Nous te tiendrons informée de nos actions, que nous signerons avec toi et les autres militants indiqués. Je t'embrasse, Roberto

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Yorum Gönder

This website was created by Mrs Jeanne Gamonet, Süleymanoğlu, members of the French branch of International Pen-Club and Vali Gözeten, writer and poet from South Azerbaïdjan who lives in Germany.

Our aim wants to reveal to the largest possible number of men who are real supporters of Human Rights the living conditions of the writers, poets and journalists of South Azerbaïdjan, who suffer a very strong oppression from a religious form of government who is distinguished by its fundamentalism, its heavy violence, and the establishment of a real apartheid situation in Iran, which strikes all the minorities, even the more considerable from a numerical and intellectual. point of view.
